World renowned artist and UN Celebrity Partner Sami Yusuf and the UN World Food Programme are proud to announce the official launch of the LiveFeed Campaign. LiveFeed is a joint-awareness campaign highlighting the plight of the drought-stricken populations in the Horn of Africa. Sami Yusuf urges everyone to take lead in alleviating the crisis by purchasing “Forgotten Promises”. Buy it Now! Donate generously here.
DUBAI – Renowned recording artist Sami Yusuf is to donate the proceeds of a new single to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in support of humanitarian operations in the drought-hit Horn of Africa.
Yusuf has just finalized the recording of his song, ‘Forgotten Promises’, for release in the coming few days as part of a campaign to raise awareness among the public about hunger in Somalia and the surrounding region. The campaign, ‘LiveFeed’, also aims to raise funds to sustain and scale-up relief efforts in the area, struck by the worst drought in 60 years.
The UK-based singer, song-writer, composer and UN Celebrity Partner for WFP will visit Dubai for the first time in the beginning of next year to perform his new song and some of his hits for the cause. The exact date and venue of the concert will be soon revealed to the public. ETM International, Yusuf’s production company, is excited about the impact of the campaign.
“Sami Yusuf put all his talent and heart in this song; this is undoubtedly one of his best pieces of work,” said Faryal Shafi from ETM. “Forgotten Promises is a universal call for solidarity and our hope is to engage the widest possible audience in this drive. The song will speak for itself and we can’t wait to reveal it to the public.”
Held in association with the UAE Red Crescent Authority, the initiative will be rolled out later this month through the ‘LiveFeed’ campaign developed by international advertising firm JWT and sponsored by UAE-based conglomerate Al Aroud Group. ‘LiveFeed’ will be backed by a dedicated website – – aimed at engaging UAE residents and the Middle East online community in the fight against hunger.
“We have always been a great supporter of WFP and have contributed to their efficient and well-organized programme, dedicated to helping the needy all around the world,” said CEO of Al Aroud Group and Rus-Aviation Saleh Al-Aroud. “I encourage everyone to give a helping hand for such a good cause.”
The song, which combines English, Arabic and Swahili lyrics, will be sold both online and in music stores across the Middle East. Buyers will be able to contribute to the cause by simply downloading the song, purchasing the album or making a donation online through As little as 50 cents can enable WFP to feed a person in the Horn of Africa for one day.
“Although the tragedy hitting Somalia and its neighbouring countries has been highlighted by the media over the last three months, the humanitarian needs remain colossal. We just can’t let them down,” said Ashraf Hamouda, WFP’s Head of Partnership & Business Development for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf. “Sami Yusuf’s enthusiasm to support this cause personally as well as engaging his fans and followers is a unique chance to mobilize and inspire the public,” he said.

In Somalia, where famine was declared in six areas in the south of the country, WFP reached 1.2 million people last month and is scaling up to reach 700,000 throughout the country in the coming months.
Since July, WFP has reached over 7.9 million people with direct food assistance in the Horn of Africa.
Download Single Mp3, Sami Yusuf - Forgotten Promises
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