The snake that died of silicone poisoning after biting a model's breasts

Fox is a major star in Israel and has undergone several operations to enlarge her breasts.
NOTE: several readers wrote to us to let us know that this story was a hoax. The original "News" was posted on a satirical site, called "oh no they didn't" and the "serious" news copied it. Damn, too good to be true!
The woman who had her dead husband's ashes sewn into her breast implants

"It dawned on me that if I carried Dustin's cremated remains in my breast implants, I'd never really have to part with him at all," the paper quoted Canesco as saying, under the headline "Dust to bust."
The politician who raffled off breast implants to raise campaign funds

Even a recession has not diminished Venezuelans' appetite for cosmetic surgery with many people taking out loans for the surgery. Mr Rojas, of the opposition First Justice party, said that he was not too worried about the medical details of his offer. “The raffle is a financing mechanism, nothing else,” he told the newspaper. “It's the doctor who will do the operation, not me.”
The shooting victim who survived because her size D implant stopped the bullet

Carranza was just a few feet away. “She's just one lucky woman,” Dr. Ashkan Ghavami said. “I saw the CT scan. The bullet fragments were millimeters from her heart and her vital organs. Had she not had the implant, she might not be alive today”.
An LAPD firearms instructor told the Times it's possible the implant interrupted the velocity of the bullet. “I don't want to say a boob job is the equivalent of a bulletproof vest,” Scott Reitz said. “So don't go getting breast enhancements as a means to deflect a possible incoming bullet.”
The blond celebrity who became a TV sensation by smashing things with her silicone breasts

After demonstrating on live TV the damage that her knockers can do to Coke cans and melons, you'd have to be a brave man to rub her up the wrong way. And as if that wasn't enough, a shocked nation watched in awe as Busty Heart appeared on ‘America's Got Talent'. Even jury star David Hasselhoff, who's seen his fair share of big breasts, was impressed. She'll also have won some admirers in Japan as she displayed the amazing karate skills of her 95 JJs. It's a skill that Busty has been carefully training since the 80s, when she first realized TV viewers across the globe loved watch her busting melons.
(the video may be a little NSFW, so watch it at your own risk)
The plastic surgeon who published naked pictures of his patients who didn't pay the bill

One of the women - who gave her name as 'Tanja' - asked to go out to get some 'fresh air' after the £5,400 (€8,000) was completed. She never came back. Michael Koenig, the Cologne surgeon after the women, said: 'The women registered under fake names. After the operations, which lasted about an hour, they just ran away,' he reported.
The woman who survived a car crash because her breasts implants acted as airbags

A police expert explained: "[The implants] worked just like airbags - protecting the victim's ribs and vital organs from damage." He did, however, add: "They are not as safe as the real thing because they exploded, which airbags are not supposed to do."
The Russian woman whose breast implants exploded during a flight

The man who got himself a boob job… on his tattoo

Canadian Lane, editor of a body art and tattoo magazine, even sat up to watch most of the operation carried out in Edmonton, Alberta. Brian Decker, owner of the firm Pure Body Arts, carried out the strange surgery which lasted just 45 minutes - and left Lane feeling nothing more than "a small bruise", but delighted with his new breasts.
The woman who lied about having cancer and used friends' donation to pay for breast implants

Lathern also shaved her head to look like a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Her husband, William Lathern, has now filed for an annulment of the marriage. She has been charged with theft by deception, and also re-arrested on a two-year-old warrant for theft by check.